In July 2012 one of our readers writes:
My sister and father were walking through one of the buildings at Ford George, Niagara-on-the-Lake. Suddenly, as they were about to exit the building, the chained doors of a cupboard began to bang and rattle furiously, as if someone was desperately trying to get out. A staff member assured us that what they had supposedly seen could not have been a part of the ambient experience. There was no natural explanation or debunk. My father is not the kind of person that makes up experiences with the paranormal, nor would he exaggerate on the subject for he is greatly spiritual. This happened years back, and both my father and sister can still recall the event in graphic detail. It obviously left an impact.
Our thanks goes out to the witness for sharing this experience with us. Have you experienced something similar? If so please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Your privacy will be protected.